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Individuals engaged found jobs

A Remarkable Journey Unfolding from Early 2021 until August 2023

Postive Turnaround

We support adult ex-offenders with one or more criminal convictions or causations, who have completed all supervisions and license requirements and are looking for sustainable employment.

The Challenge

Sponsored by the European Social Fund and Greater London Authority, the Positive Turnaround initiative was introduced across London in 2021, aiming to uplift ex-offenders who’ve fulfilled their legal obligations. With a primary objective to empower these individuals via specialized training and assist them in securing stable employment, the program saw remarkable achievements.


The Solution

Careers Academy, in collaboration with the Prime Contractor LTEN, effectively rolled out this initiative, culminating its run in August 2023. Notably, since its inception, Careers Academy has engaged 290 clients, facilitated short skills training for 223, successfully placed 116 in jobs, offered 8 placements, and a commendable 46 of those employed retained their positions for over 6 months.

Engaged clients

Facilitated Short Skills Training for

Successfully Placed in Jobs


Discover the Power of Engaged Client Job Success

Funded by the European Social Fund and Greater London Authority

Positive Turnaround was launched in early 2021 pan London to support ex-offenders who had completed their license and supervision requirements. The goal of the project was to help ex-offenders build themselves up through training and ultimately find paid employment. Through the Prime Contractor LTEN, Careers Academy successfully delivered the Positive Turnaround project, which ended in August 2023. Since early 2021, Careers Academy has been able to engage with 290 clients, support 223 into short skills training, 116 into jobs, 8 into placements and 46 of hose who entered paid employment sustained their jobs beyond 6 months

Discover the benefits of our exclusive program:

Support creating CVs

Unlock Your Potential with Professional CV Creation

Access to Jobs

Discover New Pathways to Professional Success

Work Experience

Level Up Your Work Experience

Free training

Unleash the potential with our complimentary training

Interview Techniques

Master the Art of Interviews

One-to-one Advice

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