‭020 4542 7805‬ info@careers-academy.com

 What we do


Skill Based Training

For clients who have either been made redundant through the pandemic or simply want a career change

We offer personality and psychological assessment packages to ensure that each client gets a clear focus on what career options will be available in the new jobs market. Once we analyse the results we can then advise and guide our clients on the best routes they should take in their career journey.

Job Brokerage

We work in partnership with a cadre of niche training providers who offer short, intensive courses that are either accredited or recognised by employers that will lead them to a guaranteed job interview in a range of occupational sectors

We are currently focusing on growth sectors within the Construction, Transport and Infrastructure sectors. We focus on developing your skills so that employers can easily hire your talent once the pandemic has lifted. We build client’ skill-base to meet employer demands.

Personal Branding

We believe in the power of personal branding. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional, or someone just looking to amplify their digital footprint, a strong personal brand is essential in today’s digital age. We help individuals elevate their personal branding by harnessing the prowess of advanced social media tools. With our expertise, you can craft an authentic and impactful brand presence that resonates with your audience and propels you towards your goals. Stand out, make an impact, and let us guide your branding journey to success!

Thematic occupational sectors that we recruit for include:

Business and Finance

Creative and Hospitality Employment, Education and Training Retail and Leisure Public Service, Health and Care

Venture Building and Business Finance

If you want to set up or grow your business we have access to a number of internat


Careers Academy provides four distinct services for adults, which includes employment & executive coaching, skills-based training, recruitment services, and venture building

Skilled Based Training

For clients who have either been made redundant through the pandemic or simply want a career change

We offer personality and psychological assessment packages to ensure that each client gets a clear focus on what career options will be available in the new jobs market. Once we analyse the results we can then advise and guide our clients on the best routes they should take in their career journey.

Personal Branding

We believe in the power of personal branding. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional, or someone just looking to amplify their digital footprint, a strong personal brand is essential in today’s digital age. We help individuals elevate their personal branding by harnessing the prowess of advanced social media tools. With our expertise, you can craft an authentic and impactful brand presence that resonates with your audience and propels you towards your goals. Stand out, make an impact, and let us guide your branding journey to success!

Job Brokerage

We also provide specialist recruitment services for the Construction, Transport and Infrastructure industries. By working with public and private employers who are looking for job ready candidates in these sectors, we maximise your chances of finding a job within 6-8 weeks of completing your journey with us.

How We Work

A Process Proven Time & Time Again

At Careers Academy, we are proud to be working on innovative employment and executive coaching programs that are supported by both the Mayor of London and the European Union Social Fund.

Our mission is to empower individuals to reach their full potential and achieve their career goals, and we believe that by working with the Mayor of London and the European Union Social Fund, we can make an even greater impact in the local community.

The funding from the Mayor of London and the European Union Social Fund allows us to expand our reach and serve more individuals in need, providing them with the skills and resources they need to succeed in the workforce.

We are committed to delivering high-quality programs and services, and we are honored to be working with these organizations to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals in London. We are excited about the opportunity to continue our work and make a difference in the community.

